Piezo4Spine Introduction at the Europe Day organized by CSIC and UAM in the Eugenio Trias Library (Madrid)

The 9th of May marks the anniversary of the historic “Schumann Declaration“. On this day in 1950, the French  Minister Robert Schumann proposed the creation of a European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), whose members would focus on joint production of these materials. The ECSC, then founded by France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, was the first of a series of supranational institutions that would become today’s European Union.

Today, more than ever, we benefit from the multidisciplinary collaboration across Europe to push the boundaries of cutting-edge research and solve global challenges, just as Piezo4Spine does. We celebrate Europe’s rich diversity, unity, and the power of skills (this day also marks the start of the European Year of Skills 2023).

Thank you Julia Martinèz and Conchi Serrano for introducing our ground breaking project at this occasion!

Stay tuned and follow us on social media.

Picture: Julia Martinèz presenting Piezo4Spine.

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