
Dissemination and communication

Main role in the project:

  • Dissemination,
  • Communication,
  • Exploitation
  • Research transfer into innovation
The Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (acib) sees itself as an essential link between research and industry and currently forms a network of about 200 scientific and industrial partners in the field of industrial biotechnology. The research center develops sustainable, environmentally friendly, and economically and technically advanced processes for the biotech-, pharmaceutical- and chemical industries. In doing so, it takes nature’s methods and tools as its model. Within its partner network, acib cooperates with industry in order to transfer scientific results into efficient processes and innovative products, always for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment. The international competence center acib looks back on more than 30 years of experience and was founded in 2010 as a merger of two precursor centers. The headquarter of acib is in Graz (Austria). Further locations are in Innsbruck, Tulln and Vienna (A). The research center collaborates with scientific partners worldwide.

Involved representative:

Dr. Katharina Schwaiger
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