New Piezo4Spine publication!
“Nanorheology and Nanoindentation Revealed a Softening and an Increased Viscous Fluidity of Adherent Mammalian Cells upon Increasing the Frequency” was published in the prestigious journal
29. September 2023

A Breakthrough in Spinal Cord Injury Recovery: Targeted Neuronal Regeneration
A groundbreaking study, published in “Science” could redefine spinal cord injury (SCI) recovery!
21. September 2023

Nature publication breaks boundaries: Brain-Spine Interface empowers paralyzed individual to walk again!
“My wish was to walk again and I believed it was possible. I tried many things before and now I have to learn how to
2. June 2023

Piezo4Spine Introduction at the Europe Day organized by CSIC and UAM in the Eugenio Trias Library (Madrid)
Julia MartĂnez and Conchi Serrano (CSIC) presented the Piezo4Spine project to interested high school students.
9. May 2023

Interview with Conchi Serrano (our project leader) in El Pais, Spain’s biggest daily newspaper
“This disease can be cured”.
The molecular biologist coordinates the EU initiative to create the first material that regenerates the nervous system.
4. May 2023